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  • Swiss authorities favor taking part in Schengen border management and funding for visa policies.
Swiss authorities favor taking part in Schengen border management and funding for visa policies.

Swiss authorities favor taking part in Schengen border management and funding for visa policies.

The National Council’s Commission for Security Policy has stated that it is in favor of Switzerland joining the European fund for border control and visa regulations. This decision was approved by the Swiss Parliament with a vote of 15 in favor.

The committee clarified that Switzerland’s goal in contributing to the fund is to help Schengen nations which struggle to secure their external borders because of the size of their land or marine borders or the presence of international airports on their soils. Switzerland thinks that by contributing to the funding, its own security measures will also be improved.

The committee also stressed the significance of safeguarding human rights at the Schengen external border in addition to their decision to participate in the fund. They emphasized how crucial it is for payments made for border control and visa policy money to be transparent and accountable.

Seven members voted against the choice, outweighing the 15 votes in favor of Switzerland’s involvement in the funding. Those opposed contended that Switzerland should give autonomous control and defense of its external frontiers first priority. Furthermore, they thought that Switzerland’s financial contribution would be excessive.

Despite the fact that the majority approved of Switzerland’s involvement in the EU fund, it’s crucial to remember that official authorisation has not yet been given. The project’s adoption has been proposed by the committee.

Authorities in Switzerland have also recommended stepping up security measures domestically. A motion asking the Swiss Council to submit a revised version of the Constitution to the Parliament was approved by the National Council’s Commission for Security Policy with 23 votes in favor. The construction of an integrated research platform for the police would be made possible by this change, which would give Switzerland the power to control how information is shared across cantons.

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