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France Facilitates the Process of Getting Visas for Seasonal Foreign Agriculture Workers.

France Facilitates the Process of Getting Visas for Seasonal Foreign Agriculture Workers.

In response to the current scarcity of seasonal foreign labor in the agriculture industry, France has taken action to streamline the process for these individuals to obtain work permits and begin working in the field.

Recently, the French agriculture sector has had trouble filling job openings with workers who possess the necessary skills.

As a result, France has broadened the range of occupations that are in high demand and streamlined the procedure of obtaining a visa for foreign seasonal workers in agriculture so that they can enter the nation for work.

Since the agriculture industry is now officially acknowledged to be experiencing a labor shortage, firms in France are able to hire non-EU/EEA nationals with more lax standards.

Owing to the recently enacted laws, occupations including farming, breeding, gardening, horticulture, wine production, and arboriculture are now deemed in-demand.

Moreover, agricultural businesses in France will no longer have to provide documentation of labor demand in order to hire foreign workers, greatly accelerating the hiring procedure (albeit this decision has been criticized by some).

The French prime minister, Gabriel Attal, has stated that the agriculture industry must hire more foreign laborers.

With the intention of relieving pressure on agricultural enterprises, he confirmed last month that the government considered the agriculture sector to be under “strained” circumstances.

Attal highlighted initiatives to expedite the foreign worker visa application process.

French farming businesses, who have long advocated for looser laws pertaining to seasonal foreign labor, have welcomed the loosening of policies.

These businesses argue that the previous rules were ineffective since it may take up to four months to obtain work permission.

Operational difficulties resulted from their inability to hire the required foreign labor force because to the short season.

According to a French strawberry grower, in order to effectively handle the workload during the harvesting season, which spans from March to August, an additional 30 to 35 seasonal workers are needed.

Producers have expressed a great deal of concern regarding timely harvesting.

Nevertheless, agricultural businesses may now be guaranteed that they can engage seasonal foreign laborers and fulfill output demands within the allotted time frame thanks to the new legislation.

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