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Soon, it might be feasible to journey between Spain and Morocco by train. Here's how it could happen

Soon, it might be feasible to journey between Spain and Morocco by train. Here’s how it could happen.

The Spanish Minister of Transportation’s enthusiasm for reviving the long-dormant idea of constructing a tunnel to link Spain and Morocco, originally proposed in 1979, is indicative of the potential positive impact such a project could have on cross-border connectivity and transportation efficiency between the two countries. With the possibility of this tunnel aligning with the co-hosting of the FIFA World Cup by Morocco, Spain, and Portugal in 2030, the timing couldn’t be more perfect for this ambitious undertaking to come to fruition.

The current transportation options for traveling between Madrid and Tangier are quite limited and time-consuming, involving either a short flight or a lengthy car journey with a ferry ride. The proposed tunnel underneath the Strait of Gibraltar would not only shorten the travel time significantly but also open up new possibilities for establishing a more efficient and sustainable train service between the two nations. This envisioned train route, with stops in key cities like Casablanca along the way, would drastically reduce the travel time and offer a more convenient mode of transportation for passengers.

As discussions and plans for the potential Spain-Morocco tunnel continue to gain momentum, the prospect of increased economic activity, tourism, and cultural exchange between the two countries becomes increasingly promising. The construction of this tunnel could potentially pave the way for closer ties and enhanced cooperation in various sectors, benefiting both Spain and Morocco in terms of trade, infrastructure development, and people-to-people connections. The Spanish Minister’s proactive approach towards realizing this ambitious project reflects a forward-thinking mindset aimed at fostering greater regional integration and collaboration.

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