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Portugal Is Still a Tempting Place for Foreign Investors Despite Not Having a Golden Visa.

Portugal Is Still a Tempting Place for Foreign Investors Despite Not Having a Golden Visa.

An estimated €5 billion could be injected into Portugal over the next ten years if Portugal is successful in redirecting half of the foreign investment that was previously intended for real estate toward investments in commercial enterprises via OIC (Collective Investment Organizations), according to the Portugal News.This possible change in the distribution of investments has a lot of potential for the nation, especially in light of the recent changes made by the government to address urgent problems.Through the Residency by Investment program in Portugal, foreign nationals can become residents by fulfilling specific requirements and making financial investments. However, the nation has experienced a housing crisis, which has caused the program to alter.The real estate investment option, which permitted foreign investors to contribute €280,000 or more, was eliminated, which was one significant modification. This choice was made after Portugal’s President Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa approved the “More Housing” bill.The Portuguese government recently announced the termination of the Non-Habitual Resident tax regime in an additional attempt to address the housing crisis. For ten years, this regime offered lower income tax rates to residents of other countries. Prime Minister Antonio Costa made the announcement as a part of continuing efforts to address the housing crisis.A transitional clause in the proposed law permits the regime to be maintained for current applicants who registered as non-habitual residents prior to January 1. By December 31st of this year, these people must either meet the requirements for registration or have a valid resident visa.The purchase of shares in non-real estate Collective Investment Organizations (OIC) is still permitted for a five-year period in spite of these modifications. Crucially, Portuguese-based commercial enterprises must receive at least 60% of the investment’s value. Because they boost the nation’s economy directly, these investments have a clear benefit.Among the most active options under the current legal framework is investing in OIC, especially when considering the tax advantages and financial returns. Portugal is one of the most popular destinations in Europe for the Golden Visa Program; in August alone, the program brought in €32.2 million.

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