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Belgian traveler facing imprisonment in Turkey for stone theft

Belgian traveler facing imprisonment in Turkey for stone theft

Kim Mergits, a tourist from Antwerp, Belgium, is accused of stealing ancient antiquities and finds herself in legal difficulty in Turkey. Mergits, who was returning home when she was detained at the Turkish airport, now faces the possibility of paying huge fines or perhaps going to jail.

Three stones were removed by the visitor while she was there, and she put them in her bag with the idea of putting them in her aquarium. According to local media, the Provincial Directorate of Culture and Tourism of Antalya has since sent the stones to the Antalya Museum for study.

The three stones are described as marble “floor covering pieces,” with the third one being a “architectural decoration piece” embellished with two stylized rosettes, according to experts at the museum. The legal framework for protecting Turkey’s cultural and natural assets sternly bars the export of such objects.

It is important to note that, in accordance with rules, the export of such items overseas is subject to inspection by either museums connected to the Ministry or qualified staff at particular customs exit points.

The traveler is still in custody in Türkiye while he awaits trial. She will have the chance to talk with a judge to find out whether she is under suspicion for smuggling artifact stones, according to local media reports.

The French Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs has endorsed Türkiye’s enforcement of laws and sanctions against anyone found guilty of fraudulent operations involving the export of cultural objects and antiquities.

The visitor acknowledged making a mistake but believed that the repercussions were unfairly severe in an interview with Sky News. She has been prohibited from leaving Turkey since September 16 while waiting for more information.

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