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In an effort to preserve the iconic landmark, Paris has raised ticket prices for the Eiffel Tower by 20%.

In an effort to preserve the iconic landmark, Paris has raised ticket prices for the Eiffel Tower by 20%.

Increased Ticket Prices for the Eiffel Tower and Upkeep Needed. The Paris council decided to increase the cost to assist the preservation of the landmark, thus visitors to the Eiffel Tower in Paris will now have to pay €35 instead of the previous €29.10. All adult visitors are affected by [...]

The highest court in France upholds Paris's decision to provide Olympic workers with student housing.

The highest court in France upholds Paris’s decision to provide Olympic workers with student housing.

The Council d’Etat, the highest administrative court in France, has confirmed Paris’s decision to set aside more than 2,000 student residences for employees of the next Olympic and Paralympic Summer Games, which are set to take place in 2024 from July 26 to August 28. Reuters reports that the decision [...]