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At the beginning of 2023, there were 5 million foreign residents living in Italy.

At the beginning of 2023, there were 5 million foreign residents living in Italy.

Growth of International Population in Italy by 2023 As of early 2023, over five million foreign citizens—both from EU and non-EU nations—resided in Italy, according to data from Noi Italia, a rise of 111,000 from 2022. 8.7% of Italy’s population was foreign-born at the beginning of the previous year. Over [...]

In an effort to preserve the iconic landmark, Paris has raised ticket prices for the Eiffel Tower by 20%.

In an effort to preserve the iconic landmark, Paris has raised ticket prices for the Eiffel Tower by 20%.

Increased Ticket Prices for the Eiffel Tower and Upkeep Needed. The Paris council decided to increase the cost to assist the preservation of the landmark, thus visitors to the Eiffel Tower in Paris will now have to pay €35 instead of the previous €29.10. All adult visitors are affected by [...]

Applications for 5,000 Egyptian seasonal workers are now being accepted by Greece.

Applications for 5,000 Egyptian seasonal workers are now being accepted by Greece.

On the website of Greece’s Ministry of Migration and Asylum, an electronic platform will be available as of June 10, 2024, for employers to submit applications to hire Egyptian seasonal workers in the agricultural industry. Greece and Egypt recently came to an agreement in May of this year with the [...]

The EU Ambassador said that member states may suspend Georgia's visa-free travel for a period of six months.

The EU Ambassador said that member states may suspend Georgia’s visa-free travel for a period of six months.

Following Georgia’s enactment of the contentious “foreign agents” law, EU member states may choose to halt the visa-free travel of Georgian citizens for a period of six months, according to EU Ambassador to Georgia Paweł Herczyński. Ambassador Herczyński stated in an interview that member states are presently discussing potential actions [...]

Dominican Republic is attempting to reach an agreement with the EU on visa-free travel.

Dominican Republic is attempting to reach an agreement with the EU on visa-free travel. 

The Dominican Republic is still working to get the European Union to grant visas for travel. President Luis Abinader and President Sergio Mattarella of Italy recently met to talk about perhaps removing the need for visas for citizens of the Dominican Republic. President Abinader used the occasion to address the [...]

Denmark announces raising the application fee for citizenship to €804.

Denmark announces raising the application fee for citizenship to €804.

A statement from the Ministry of Immigration and Integration states that the cost to apply for Danish citizenship would go up from 4,000 DKK (€536) to 6,000 DKK (€804). The increased price, according to the Ministry, is meant to more accurately represent the expenses associated with processing applications. The Minister [...]

What is Schengen Travel Insurance and How to Pick the Best Policy to Prevent Being Denied a Schengen Visa?

What is Schengen Travel Insurance and How to Pick the Best Policy to Prevent Being Denied a Schengen Visa?

Requirements for Schengen Travel Insurance All nationals of third countries requesting a Schengen visa are required to have Schengen travel insurance, as per European Parliament Regulation (EC) No 810/2009. This insurance guarantees applicants their financial security in the event of unanticipated medical emergency when traveling through the Schengen Area. The [...]

Turkish citizens' rejection rates for Schengen visas rise as their nation battles to reach an agreement with the EU on visa exemptions.

Turkish citizens’ rejection rates for Schengen visas rise as their nation battles to reach an agreement with the EU on visa exemptions.

16 percent of Turkish nationals’ visa requests were denied by Schengen states in 2023, totaling 169,500 denied visas. With the ongoing Visa Liberalization Dialogue between the EU and Turkey, which has been going on since 2013, this data is especially startling. The percentage of Turkish visa applications that are denied [...]

Due to high demand, Indians are unable to schedule appointments for Schengen visas.

Due to high demand, Indians are unable to schedule appointments for Schengen visas.

Authorities are being urged to intervene as Indian tourists who intend to visit the Schengen Area this summer are having trouble obtaining appointment times. Many Indians have had to postpone or cancel their vacation plans to the region due to the limited number of slots available for appointments for Schengen [...]

10.3 million visa applications were received by the Schengen States in 2023, with China being the top applicant.

10.3 million visa applications were received by the Schengen States in 2023, with China being the top applicant.

More than 10.3 million visa applications were submitted in 2023 compared to 2022, a 37% increase. Chinese nationals applied for visas the most of any country throughout the year, with 1.1 million, according to data from the European Commission. China passed Turkiye to reclaim the top rank for the first [...]