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Kosovar football supporters are eager to visit the UEFA European Championship in June without needing a visa.

Kosovar football supporters are eager to visit the UEFA European Championship in June without needing a visa.

According to the results of a recent survey, the UEFA European Championship is the primary reason why Kosovars travel. According to the poll, which had 3,050 participants, one of the main reasons Kosovars plan to travel in 2024 is the impending sporting event in Germany. Apart from the UEFA EURO [...]

Top 20 Jobs That Provide Access to a German Work Permit.

Top 20 Jobs That Provide Access to a German Work Permit.

The Institute for Employment Research reports that 1.98 million job vacancies are now present in Germany. There is a severe labor shortage in the country in industries including construction, farming, and transportation. Germany has historically depended on immigrant labor to support its economy due to its aging population, which is [...]

September Saw the Highest Number of Unauthorized Migrants Entering Germany Since 2016.

September Saw the Highest Number of Unauthorized Migrants Entering Germany Since 2016.

According to information made public by the German Police on Saturday, the number of people who entered the nation illegally in September of this year exceeded 21,366. This is a record monthly total since February 2016. At the height of the “refugee crisis,” in February 2016, 25,650 people arrived, setting [...]

From November 2023, Germany will make it simpler to obtain an ID and passport.

From November 2023, Germany will make it simpler to obtain an ID and passport.

In November 2023, significant improvements that would streamline the application process for ID cards, passports, and residency permits will take effect in Germany. These modifications derive from a new rule that the federal government established on October 11 in an effort to simplify the application procedure. The progressive implementation of [...]

Last year, Germany issued about 71,100 visas for spouse reunification.

Last year, Germany issued about 71,100 visas for spouse reunification.

German officials have revealed that last year, their visa offices in overseas missions were among the busiest for issuing visas for spouse reunification. According to the German Federal Foreign Office, 71,129 visas for spouse reunification were granted to foreigners in total in 2022, an increase over the previous year. Data [...]

According to data, the German Embassy will reject 40% of Turkish applicants' requests for Schengen visas that are denied in 2022.

According to data, the German Embassy will reject 40% of Turkish applicants’ requests for Schengen visas that are denied in 2022.

The consulates in Ankara, Edirne, Istanbul, and Izmir received a total of 120,876 visa applications from Turkish applicants in 2022. Regrettably, the German government turned down a substantial chunk of these requests, representing 39.7 percent or 48,040 applications, making Germany the first nation to reject the most visa requests from [...]

Three Vietnamese were sentenced to six months in prison for entering Germany using someone else's passport.

Three Vietnamese were sentenced to six months in prison for entering Germany using someone else’s passport.

According to local media, three Vietnamese males who attempted to enter Germany using fake passports have been given jail terms of six months. One of them also had to do time in prison for supplying a fake passport. Nguyen Van Hung, 27, was detained while attempting to board an aircraft [...]