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France Facilitates the Process of Getting Visas for Seasonal Foreign Agriculture Workers.

France Facilitates the Process of Getting Visas for Seasonal Foreign Agriculture Workers.

In response to the current scarcity of seasonal foreign labor in the agriculture industry, France has taken action to streamline the process for these individuals to obtain work permits and begin working in the field. Recently, the French agriculture sector has had trouble filling job openings with workers who possess [...]

France Will See a 24% Increase in Tunisian Visa Applications in 2023.

France Will See a 24% Increase in Tunisian Visa Applications in 2023.

A noteworthy spike in visa applications—118,846 in total—was received by the French Consulate General in Tunisia in 2023, a considerable rise of 24.4 percent over the previous year. The French Consul General, Dominique Mas, emphasized that during the previous year, there has been an increase in interest among Tunisians in [...]

The High Court Rules That British Second Homeowners Cannot Have

The High Court Rules That British Second Homeowners Cannot Have “Extended Stays” in France.

The provision allowing British nationals with second residences in France to remain in the nation for longer than ninety days was declared unlawful by the French Constitutional Court. The Constitutional Council’s judgment cannot be appealed, according to The Telegraph, making the modification that was approved in November final. The proposed [...]

The highest court in France upholds Paris's decision to provide Olympic workers with student housing.

The highest court in France upholds Paris’s decision to provide Olympic workers with student housing.

The Council d’Etat, the highest administrative court in France, has confirmed Paris’s decision to set aside more than 2,000 student residences for employees of the next Olympic and Paralympic Summer Games, which are set to take place in 2024 from July 26 to August 28. Reuters reports that the decision [...]

France issued 64.5% of Algeria's negative Schengen visa decisions.

France issued 64.5% of Algeria’s negative Schengen visa decisions.

Algerian nationals applied for 239,927 visas in total from French consulates in 2022. A sizeable 64.5 percent of these, or 115,807 applications, were turned down. This result places France as the country that refused the most visa requests from Algerian citizens that year. According to Schengen Statistics, France emerged as [...]

Instead of raising airline ticket taxes, France wants to lower train ticket prices.

Instead of raising airline ticket taxes, France wants to lower train ticket prices.

The French government has disclosed intentions to hike airline ticket taxes in order to fund critical investments in train infrastructure. As part of an effort to lessen dependency on airplanes, this strategic approach intends to stimulate a shift toward train travel for both local and international journeys. Clément Beaune, France’s [...]