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Austrian Lawmaker Encourages Citizenship Candidates to See Memorials at Concentration Camps.

Austrian Lawmaker Encourages Citizenship Candidates to See Memorials at Concentration Camps.

The ÖVP’s governor of Lower Austria, Johanna Mikl-Leitner, has devised a fresh tactic in the ongoing fight against anti-Semitism. At the LH meeting in St. Pölten, she proposed encouraging immigrants pursuing Austrian citizenship to visit a memorial site of a concentration camp. Crucially, Mikl-Leitner’s office stresses that these kinds of [...]

Thus Far, Almost 26,000 Relatives of Nazi Victims Have Reclaimed Austrian Citizenship.

Thus Far, Almost 26,000 Relatives of Nazi Victims Have Reclaimed Austrian Citizenship.

Restoring Austrian citizenship to a large number of descendants of Nazi victims has proven to be another ground-breaking move made possible by the 2020 amendment of the nation’s citizenship law. In order to obtain Austria’s passport, more than 26,000 relatives of Nazi victims have effectively reclaimed their Austrian citizenship, according [...]