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The majority of South American applicants for Schengen visas are Ecuadorians.

The majority of South American applicants for Schengen visas are Ecuadorians.

Schengen Statistics data indicates that, out of 75,094 visa applications filed by South American nationalities in 2022, 34.7 percent were submitted by Ecuadorians.

Dominicans filed 20.3 percent (43,996) and Cubans submitted 18.4 percent (39,931) of the 215,969 total applications, or 73.6 percent of the total applications, or 159,021. With a total of 194,729 requests, these five countries of origin—Ecuador, the Dominican Republic, Suriname, Bolivia, and Cuba—accounted for 90.1 percent of all South American visa applications filed during the year.

With the exception of Surinamese candidates, who submitted 16,990 applications out of 99.6% to Dutch authorities, Spain became a popular option for South Americans. Conversely, out of 121,030 applications for a Spanish Schengen visa, seven South American nationalities—Ecuadorians, Dominicans, Chileans, Bolivians, Mexicans, Guatemalans, and Cubans—accounted for 62% of the total. Surprisingly, 40.2 percent of Cuban applications, 66 percent of Dominican, and 87.6 percent of Bolivian applications were sent to Spanish officials.

According to the data, the percentage of South American visa applications who were denied was very low. Haiti (43.2%), Bolivia (31.4%), and Brazil (29.6%) had the greatest percentages of rejection. Top applicants were rejected at the following rates: Ecuador (22.2%), Dominican Republic (22.4%), Cuba (25.2%), and Suriname (20.30%). Additionally, the statistics revealed that, out of every 100,000 people, 293 Dominicans obtained a favorable response to their visa applications; in contrast, 314 Ecuadorians, six Chileans, 101 Bolivians, and roughly 2,145 Surinamese—given the lesser Surinamese population of roughly 623,236—received the same result.

The total amount of money that South Americans spent on visa application expenses was €17.2 million, with an average of about €719,896. Ecuadorians (€6 million), Dominicans (€3.5 million), Cubans (€3.1 million), and Bolivians (€1.4 million) were the nations that spent the most money on visa applications. Surinamese, on the other hand, contributed the most per capita to the nation’s visa expenses, with each individual spending, on average, about €2.18.

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