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September Saw the Highest Number of Unauthorized Migrants Entering Germany Since 2016.

September Saw the Highest Number of Unauthorized Migrants Entering Germany Since 2016.

According to information made public by the German Police on Saturday, the number of people who entered the nation illegally in September of this year exceeded 21,366. This is a record monthly total since February 2016. At the height of the “refugee crisis,” in February 2016, 25,650 people arrived, setting a previous record that is surpassed by this number. The rise in unapproved entries is consistent with a seven-month trend of increasing figures.

According to additional police data, 92,119 people entered Germany illegally between January and September 2023. This raises concerns that the number of irregular entries may surpass the 112,000 irregular entries documented in 2016.

Germany’s coalition government has come to an agreement on a number of measures in response to the circumstances that are intended to expedite the return process for certain migrants who entered the nation illegally. The German Interior Minister Nancy Faeser’s migration bill places a strong emphasis on forcing those who do not have a valid reason to remain in Germany to leave. Furthermore, the law gives German authorities the authority to assist in the return of migrants who are considered to be a threat, such as those engaged in criminal activity and human smuggling.

The set of policies also increases the allotted time for detaining people deemed dangerous from ten to twenty-eight days. The purpose of this extension is to give authorities a more extensive timeline for the deportation’s logistical preparations.

Chancellor Olaf Scholz emphasized the need for mass deportations of people who do not have the legal right to remain in Germany during a meeting last Friday in Berlin. He underlined the significance of both bringing in skilled immigrants to bolster Germany’s aging labor force and upholding the country’s duty to grant asylum to those who genuinely need it. The government’s commitment to tackling the issues of irregular migration as well as the nation’s demographic and labor market demands is reflected in this well-rounded strategy.

Furthermore, in comparison to the same period in 2022, there have been more deportations from Germany in the first half of this year. 7,861 people were repatriated between January and June of this year; among them were more than 1,660 women and roughly 1,370 minors, demonstrating the wide range of demographics among those facing deportation at that time.

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