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Over 600,000 applications from Italian employers flooded Italy's Visa Lottery for Non-EU Workers.

Over 600,000 applications from Italian employers flooded Italy’s Visa Lottery for Non-EU Workers.

Authorities in Italy report that demand for foreign labor has increased dramatically, quadrupling the quota. Acknowledging the ongoing labor scarcity in many industries, the Meloni administration had set a quota of 136,000 non-EU workers for 2024—more than the number for the current year.

The startling number of pre-applications already filed by Italian employers—roughly 608,000—indicates a critical need for even more foreign workers, even in spite of the higher quota for non-EU workers. According to the Financial Times, this extraordinary spike in applications—four times the amount authorized by the government—occurs before Italy’s yearly work visa lottery opens on December 2.

About 260,950 of the pre-applications for 2024, according to data from the Italian Ministry of Interior, were for seasonal work in tourism and agriculture. Around 86,070 pre-applications were for domestic workers and caregivers in the health sector, among other roles, and another 253,470 were for non-seasonal jobs in construction and related sectors.

A first-come, first-served policy is anticipated for the quota allocation after the electronic submission window opens. Different visa categories will be assigned to different days, and certain sectors will be allocated specific quotas.

Angelica Donati, president of the national builders association’s youth wing, gave some thought to the current state of affairs and emphasized the necessity of allowing more people to work in Italy. Donati pleaded with officials to take further steps allowing Italian businesses to hire more people.

Director of European policies at Coldiretti, Luigi Pio Scordamaglia, offered his thoughts on the subject, pointing out that a lack of labor is a problem facing every industry in Italy. He backed the hiring of more legal immigrants, pointing out that companies can show they can handle more widespread migration by accepting a greater number of foreign employees.

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