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November 2023 saw a 33% drop in undocumented migrant arrivals in Greece.

November 2023 saw a 33% drop in undocumented migrant arrivals in Greece.

Despite continued tensions in the Middle East, the Greek government has recorded a dramatic decline in the flow of undocumented migrants last month, showing a 33 percent drop compared to October. The most recent data available from the Greek ministry of migration indicates that there were 4,584 unlawful entries in November, down from 6,863 in October and a 40% decrease from September.

The remarkable 60% overall decline from September to November shows a distinct pattern of declining migratory flows to Greece during this time.

The Ministry also drew attention to a noteworthy difference from the upsurge seen in other areas, such as Italy, Croatia, and Spain. The data indicates a decrease in arrivals in Greece, despite worries that the intensification of violence between Hamas and Israel would lead to a greater number of migrants traveling to Europe.

The surge in migrant arrivals has been largely attributed to Palestinians, who account for a sizeable 22% of undocumented incursions into Greece. Afghans, Somalis, and Syrians have also attempted unauthorized entry at varying rates.

Over the course of this year, Greece has faced an increasing number of undocumented entries—more than twice as many as the 18,780 that the authorities reported as illegal in 2022. When compared to the same month the previous year, the nation recorded three times as many migrant arrivals in August 2023.

To solve labor shortages in a number of industries, including construction, agriculture, and tourism, Greek officials announced plans in September 2023 to regularize the status of over 300,000 migrants presently resident in the nation in response to the spike in migrant arrivals. Integration of undocumented migrants is crucial to reducing shortages in these industries, according to Minister of Migration Dimitris Kairidis.

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