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Last year, Germany issued about 71,100 visas for spouse reunification.

Last year, Germany issued about 71,100 visas for spouse reunification.

German officials have revealed that last year, their visa offices in overseas missions were among the busiest for issuing visas for spouse reunification.

According to the German Federal Foreign Office, 71,129 visas for spouse reunification were granted to foreigners in total in 2022, an increase over the previous year.

Data shows that in 2022, Indians received the most spouse reunification visas of any nationality. In particular, 8,930 Indian nationals were awarded spouse reunification visas by Germany last year; a sizable proportion of these visas were handled by the German Consulate General in Bangalore.

In close second place in terms of spouse reunification visas granted by Germany in 2022 were Turkish nationals. 8,778 Turkish nationals received such visas last year, with the German consulate general in Ankara and the embassy in Istanbul providing the majority of the permits.

Additionally, a sizable number of spouse reunification visas were issued to Lebanese nationals. In 2022, Lebanese nationals received 5,008 spouse reunification visas from Germany.

Germany granted a considerable number of spouse reunification visas to nationals of Iran, Kosovo, and Russia in addition to the aforementioned countries. Russians acquired 4,981 spouse reunification visas, Kosovars got 4,643 spouse reunification visas, and Iranians got 4,161 spouse reunification visas in 2022, to be exact.

Throughout the same year, Germany was also active in issuing numerous other sorts of visas. A total of 1,490,473 visa applications were processed by the government, and 393,083 of them were granted to citizens.

“In 2022, there were 393,083 national visas issued (up from 304,773 in 2021). A total of 444,154 national visa applications were processed. Additionally, compared to the prior year, the processing rate of applications climbed by 27% in 2022, according to the German Federal Foreign Office’s release.

The majority of national visas were often provided for employment-related reasons. In all, 152,336 work visas were awarded by Germany in 2016. Notably, people from India, Turkey, Serbia, Bosnia, Kosovo, Russia, and Albania received the majority of the work visas.

Additionally, a sizable number of visas were issued for academic endeavors. Germany issued a total of 71,018 national study visas in 2022, with students from China, India, and Turkey receiving the majority of these.

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