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Countries Based on Your Citizenship Where You Are Most Likely to Receive a Schengen Visa.

Countries Based on Your Citizenship Where You Are Most Likely to Receive a Schengen Visa.

Schengen Statistics shows that Slovakia, Greece, and Switzerland are the three nations that are most likely to provide Schengen visas because of their low rates of application rejection.

Slovakia showed a very low percentage of visa applications from ten different countries being denied. Six nationalities had a good chance of having their visa applications approved in Switzerland, but nine nationalities had a high approval rate in the case of Greece.

For instance, several citizens of Turkey, the United Kingdom, South Africa, the Philippines, Indonesia, the Kosovar Republic, Kazakhstan, Lebanon, and China were granted visas by Slovakia. Greek officials were the primary source of visas for candidates who were Egyptian and Americans.

The nations of origin of visa applicants in 2022 with the lowest rates of rejection for their requests for Schengen visas are highlighted in this data.


The majority of applicants for EU visas in 2022 were Turkish nationals, who had a low rejection rate in nations including Slovakia (9.55%), Italy (7.14%), and Luxembourg (7.41%). To put things in perspective, only 6,259 of the 87,648 visa applications that were sent to Italian consulates were turned down. This percentage was even lower in Luxembourg, where just 102 out of 1,377 petitions were denied, and in Slovakia, 180 out of 1,884 visa applications were denied.


With the lowest rejection rates, Russian applicants stood the best chance of being accepted by Polish, Latvian, and Dutch consulates. Merely 132 out of the 7,653 applications submitted were denied. This indicates that Polish consulates only turned down 1.13% of Russian visa applications, while Latvian and Dutch authorities turned down 1.75% and 2.09% of applications, respectively.


With a mere 5.48% rejection rate out of 1,861 visa applicants (102 denied applications), Iceland proved to be the most accommodating country for Indian applicants. With 8,615 out of 76,352 visa applications denied, Germany—a popular destination for Indian applicants—had an 11.2% rejection rate. In a similar vein, of the 106,025 Indian visa applications received, Switzerland denied only 13.1% of them, or 13,984 applications.


Poland rejected the fewest applications from Moroccan applicants—just 9.09% of 42 requests—than any other country. Morocco’s application rejection rate was higher in Switzerland, where 440 out of 3,356 applications, or 13.1% of applicants, were turned down. Greek authorities also had a low rejection rate, only rejecting 22.1% of the 782 applications they received.


Due to a higher application rate, Algerians experienced a higher rejection rate. Algerian visa applications were rejected by Polish authorities 35% of the time in 2022 (797 denied applications). Finland denied 39.2% of the applications, rejecting 205 out of 522 requests, while Spanish consulates rejected 38.9% of the 102,656 applications, totaling 39,944 rejected applicants.

Saudi Arabia

In 2022, there were 89 visa applications from Saudi Arabia that the Finnish authorities approved, indicating a high approval rate. With rejection rates of 1.78% and 2.42%, respectively, which accounted for 297 and 628 rejections, Austria and Switzerland similarly showed low rates of visa rejection for Saudi nationals. Only 2.5% and 0.33% of all applications were denied by the authorities in Spain and Czechia, respectively.

United Kingdom 

British nationals applying for visas at Icelandic consulates had a very low rejection rate—just 0.62% (13 applications) were turned down. Similar to this, only six and two applicants from the United Kingdom were turned down by Luxembourg and Slovakia in 2022, respectively.


Around 3.16% of Thai visa applications were denied by Thailand Swiss authorities in 2022, totaling 1,165 denied requests. Furthermore, 312 out of the 3.69% of Thai applicants who applied to Austria were denied. The rejection rate for applications from Danish consulates was higher, at 14.38%, or 1,043 rejections.

United Arab Emirates (EAD)

Applicants to Belgium (15.9%), Poland (17.9%), and Germany (21.3%) had relatively low rates of visa rejection (673, 207, and 3,790 applications, respectively. The United Arab Emirates, on the other hand, was the third-largest nationality with the most visa applications denied during the year.


Portugal (23.22%) and Poland (23.05%) showed the lowest percentages of visa rejections for Tunisians, while Norway did not deny any of the two applications it received in 2022.


With a 6.6% rejection rate (982 rejections out of 512 applications), Egyptian applicants for Slovenian visas experienced very few rejections. With a 10.1% rejection rate (982 rejections), Greek consulates likewise had a low rate of rejection for Egyptian applicants. In 2022, Egypt submitted a total of one visa application to Sweden; however, it was not denied.

South Africa

In 2022, Hungary rejected about 23 applicants, yielding a 2.74% rejection rate, compared to Slovakia, which rejected just one applicant from South Africa. Even with a greater volume of applications, only 3.1% of South African visa applicants—a total of 371 applicants—were denied by Greek consulates. Twenty applications were turned down in total by Czechia, accounting for 1.6% of all submissions from South African candidates.


Only 190 applications were turned down out of the 2.1% of Filipino applicants who received a negative response from Greek authorities. The rejection rate was only 3.09% even though Filipino applicants sent more applications to German consulates (14,474 as opposed to 9,059). Furthermore, Slovakia denied just five applications, or 0.8% of all submissions.


Only three of the 176 applications submitted by Kuwaiti nationals were turned down by Maltese consulates in 2022. Norway, on the other hand, received only seven requests but rejected none. Just 3.3% of applications were denied by Italian authorities (603 out of 18,130 requests).


Iran applicants had an exceptionally low 0.07% visa rejection rate, resulting in 16 requests being denied. Portugal rejected 14.8% of Iranian applicants, or 93 applications, whereas Slovenia had a slightly higher rejection rate of about 4.8% out of 493 applications.


With only 16 rejections out of 4,442, Austria rejected the fewest applications from Indonesia, yielding a rejection rate of 0.36%. 17 applications were rejected by Greek consulates, or 0.62% of the total. Additionally, just two out of 299 applications were denied by Slovak authorities, yielding a 0.8% rejection rate.

United States

The percentage of American applicants who were rejected varied. In 2022, Norway, Slovakia, and Latvia all accepted 123 American visa applications; Latvia, on the other hand, rejected none of them. The rejection rate in Iceland was 0.49.

Furthermore, out of 3,479 applications, the rejection rate for American applicants in Iceland was 0.49%, or 17 rejections. In the meantime, 47 out of 5,694 applications were turned down by Greek consulates, representing 0.83% of American applicants who were turned down.


Of applications from Kosovo, Lithuania had a very low rejection rate of 0.20%, or 12 requests that were turned down. Slovakia also had a comparable percentage of applications rejected, with a total of 12 applications rejected (8.89%). But the Italian authorities turned down about 4.53% of applications, or 183 of them, while the Greek authorities turned down 5.45% of applicants, or 502 applications.


In 2022, Finland did not reject any applications from Belarus; in contrast, Czechia rejected a mere six requests, or 0.58% of the total. However, France and Italy had higher rejection rates, turning down 53 and 284 applications, or 0.59% and 0.78% of all applications, respectively.


The Netherlands, Slovakia, and Norway did not reject any applications from Kazakhstan. However, the consulates of Greece and Italy turned down 2.14 and 5.67% of applications, respectively. With roughly 60 and 184 applications denied each, Estonia and Switzerland had rejection rates of about 6.07% and 6.09%, respectively.


Slovenia’s visa rejection rate is 1.77%, with only four applications from Lebanese applicants being denied. Slovakia (10.58%), Greece (11.17%), and Switzerland (16.97%), on the other hand, had marginally higher rejection rates than the other nations.


Only four and two visa applications from China were denied by Slovakia and Iceland in 2022, yielding rejection rates of 1.79% and 2.47%, respectively. In the meantime, Finland denied 33 applications, or about 2.59% of all applications.

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