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  • As MEPs Use Digital Visas, Schengen Visas Will Become More Secure & Accessible.
As MEPs Use Digital Visas, Schengen Visas Will Become More Secure & Accessible.

As MEPs Use Digital Visas, Schengen Visas Will Become More Secure & Accessible.

Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) have approved a measure that will digitize Schengen permits, putting them in a position to be more accessible and safe.

The law was approved by MEPs on October 18, opening the door for Schengen visas to be digitized. With 573 votes in favor and 36 MEPs voting against it, the idea was well-received. 16 MEPs abstained.

The MEPs placed a strong emphasis on inclusion, making sure that anyone could apply for a digital visa regardless of their level of language proficiency, accessibility issues, or lack of internet access.

The goal of this digitization push is to simplify the Schengen visa application procedure and lower the time and expense involved in submitting an application. It also promises to improve uniformity across the European Union and strengthen the security of these documents at the same time.

Applications for Schengen visas will be handled via a single online platform under the recently enacted legislation. In situations requiring multi-country travel, this platform will decide which Schengen member state will handle an application.

Additionally, the newly issued digital visas, which are protected by cryptographic signatures and appear as 2D barcodes, provide increased security and are harder to forge.

The rapporteur, Matjaž Nemec, stated that the process of digitization will strengthen the system’s resistance to misuse, hence guaranteeing a safer application procedure. Additionally, it is anticipated that the new system will simplify and lower the cost of the entire procedure for third-country nationals who need Schengen visas in order to enter the European Union.

Applications for Schengen visas will be consolidated into a single website, which will then connect applicants to the relevant visa systems, albeit there will still be some exclusions. Applicants can fill out the application form, attach travel documents, and pay the visa cost from the comfort of their homes using our easy-to-use platform.

Additionally, through this portal, applicants for Schengen visas will receive alerts regarding the status of their visa, including approval or rejection. In the event of multi-country travel, the system will additionally designate the pertinent member state for processing automatically. However, depending on why they are traveling, applicants can still indicate whether they would like their application to be handled by a specific member state.

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