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  • According to data, the German Embassy will reject 40% of Turkish applicants’ requests for Schengen visas that are denied in 2022.
According to data, the German Embassy will reject 40% of Turkish applicants' requests for Schengen visas that are denied in 2022.

According to data, the German Embassy will reject 40% of Turkish applicants’ requests for Schengen visas that are denied in 2022.

The consulates in Ankara, Edirne, Istanbul, and Izmir received a total of 120,876 visa applications from Turkish applicants in 2022. Regrettably, the German government turned down a substantial chunk of these requests, representing 39.7 percent or 48,040 applications, making Germany the first nation to reject the most visa requests from Turkey.

Turkish nationals submitted a total of 223,699 visa requests, of which 174,929 were granted. Impressively, 78.2 percent of people had multiple-entry visas.

This amounts to a remarkable 504,220 multiple-entry visas being issued to citizens of Turkey in 2022, of which 173,980 were provided by German authorities and accounted for 34.5 percent of the total multiple-entry visas issued.

Greece, France, and the Netherlands are among the top nations receiving Turkish nationals’ visa requests. Greece came in second, getting 164,829 visa requests, but turning down 15,913 of them. Following Turkey were France and the Netherlands, who received a combined total of 115,114 visa requests and turned down 15,435 and 9,714 Turkish requests for Schengen Visas, respectively.

The rejection percentages for France and the Netherlands were 21.4 percent and 19.9 percent, respectively, in terms of applications that were denied. Greece, in contrast, had the lowest rejection percentage of these four countries, with only 9.6% of Turkish applications being turned down.

Turkish nationals made up 21.4% of all visa requests that were turned down. Authorities in France and the Netherlands rejected fewer requests, at 13.4% and 19.9%, respectively.

The distribution of multiple-entry visas among Turkish nationals varied between these nations, nevertheless. Germany had the lowest percentage at 78.2 percent, while Greece topped the list with 89.8 percent of the total number of multiple-entry visas granted to Turks. Turkish nationals received multiple-entry visas from France at a rate of 81.5 percent and the Netherlands at a rate of 78.6 percent.

Turkish nationals stood out in the field of Schengen visa applications in 2022, submitting an astounding 778,409 applications. Surprisingly, according to the Schengen Statistics for 2021, Russians (536,241) were the nationality with the second-highest number of visa applications, followed by Turkish citizens (271,977).

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