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  • France issued 64.5% of Algeria’s negative Schengen visa decisions.
France issued 64.5% of Algeria's negative Schengen visa decisions.

France issued 64.5% of Algeria’s negative Schengen visa decisions.

Algerian nationals applied for 239,927 visas in total from French consulates in 2022. A sizeable 64.5 percent of these, or 115,807 applications, were turned down. This result places France as the country that refused the most visa requests from Algerian citizens that year.

According to Schengen Statistics, France emerged as the main destination for Algerian visa applications, approving 110,090 of them, or 57.8% of all decisions that were favorable.

A record 33,689 multiple entry visas (MEVs) were issued, making up 45.9% of the total issuance rate. Then, Algerian applicants received 26,103 MEVs from Spanish authorities and 8,023 from Italian consulates, making up a total of 55.8% of all MEVs given.

In a larger sense, France, Spain, and Italy were the top three nations that Algerian citizens submitted the most applications to, leading the way in both accepted and denied visa requests in 2022.

360,407 out of 392,053 applications submitted by Algerians were received by these three nations, accounting for 91.9% of all applications. More specifically, Algerians requested visas from French embassies 293,927 times, Spanish embassies 102,656 times, and Italian embassies 17,824 times.

The same three also accounted for the majority of Algerian visa approvals, with 176,512 applications approved, or 92.3 percent of all visas issued, going to Algerians. Conversely, these three nations were also the source of 91.1 percent of all rejected applications.

Focusing on particular, a rejection rate of 64.5 percent was achieved by French officials, who granted 110,090 of the 239,927 requests for visas. The percentage of Algerians who successfully obtained Spanish visas was 55%, with 38% of their requests being denied. This equals 56,479 requests that were approved and 39,944 requests that were turned down.

In addition, 7,738 out of 17,824 applications for visas from Algeria were declined by Italian consulates, a rejection percentage of 43.4%. There were 9,943 applications approved, representing a 55.8% approval rate.

Algeria moved up the list of nations with the most visa applications in 2022, moving from sixth place in 2021 to fifth place, according to application trends. Even while a single rank might not seem to have a big impact, the increase of applications within a year is significant. In 2021, Algerians submitted 140,212 applications, which rose to 360,407 in 2022, according to figures.

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