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We pay dearly’: Menorcan town, overwhelmed by tourists, imposes visiting hours

“‘We pay dearly’: Menorcan town, overwhelmed by tourists, imposes visiting hours”

Tourists frequently enter homes, steal belongings, and climb balconies in Binibeca Vell. Known for its low, whitewashed buildings, narrow stone alleyways, and labyrinthine staircases, Binibeca Vell has earned the nickname “the Mykonos of Menorca.” However, this Balearic town also shares a less glamorous trait with the Greek hotspot: overwhelming visitor [...]

Austrians Are in Favor of Tight Citizenship Requirements, Including the Ten-Year Wait.

Austrians Are in Favor of Tight Citizenship Requirements, Including the Ten-Year Wait.

According to a recent People’s Party survey, Austrians strongly favor the current voting and citizenship laws, which are sometimes criticized by outsiders as being unduly strict. According to the survey, over 75% of participants support keeping the current citizenship laws in place, and 2/3 strongly support the ten-year waiting time [...]

Across Europe, ski resorts are coming to a complete halt in what may be the warmest February ever recorded

Across Europe, ski resorts are coming to a complete halt in what may be the warmest February ever recorded

The article emphasizes how the exceptionally high temperatures have had a detrimental effect on European ski resorts, resulting in record low snowfall amounts. Ski resorts that have been most severely impacted include: France’s Saint-Colomban-des-Villards: There is so little snow that ski lifts are not operating. Unusually high temperatures—as high as [...]

Arrested for Forging Schengen Visa Documents is a Moroccan national.

The General Directorate for Territorial Surveillance (DGST) and Nador’s National Security have detained a suspect who is accused of fabricating Schengen visa documents and engaging in human trafficking. According to a Moroccan security source, the person who was arrested is a member of a criminal organization that has a history [...]

Thus Far, Almost 26,000 Relatives of Nazi Victims Have Reclaimed Austrian Citizenship.

Thus Far, Almost 26,000 Relatives of Nazi Victims Have Reclaimed Austrian Citizenship.

Restoring Austrian citizenship to a large number of descendants of Nazi victims has proven to be another ground-breaking move made possible by the 2020 amendment of the nation’s citizenship law. In order to obtain Austria’s passport, more than 26,000 relatives of Nazi victims have effectively reclaimed their Austrian citizenship, according [...]

Spain requests that Morocco deny entry to Senegalese nationals who do not possess a Schengen visa.

Spain requests that Morocco deny entry to Senegalese nationals who do not possess a Schengen visa.

Senegalese passport holders who have not held a Schengen visa for the previous two years have been asked by the Spanish authorities to ban them from traveling on flights with layovers in Spain until February 19. This request has been sent to the Moroccan Ministry of Foreign Affairs, African Cooperation, [...]

A Few Dutch Cities and Regional Municipalities Have Begun to Hire People with Refugee Status.

A Few Dutch Cities and Regional Municipalities Have Begun to Hire People with Refugee Status

Several well-known Dutch cities and regional municipalities have started a pilot program as part of an endeavor to support the integration of people with refugee status. For foreign nationals who have recently relocated to these towns after leaving asylum reception centers, this initiative provides them with opportunities for immediate paid [...]

Storm Pia is causing delays and cancellations at Schiphol Airport.

Storm Pia is causing delays and cancellations at Schiphol Airport.

Authorities have warned travelers to keep informed about probable delays and cancellations due to the strong winds from Storm Pia, which might result in up to 200 flights being canceled this week. The biggest airport in the Netherlands, Schiphol, released a press release alerting travelers to potential interruptions for both [...]