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New Measures to Increase Member State Collaboration on Asylum are Proposted by the EU Commission.

New Measures to Increase Member State Collaboration on Asylum are Proposted by the EU Commission.

A list of suggested procedures has been provided by the European Commission in order to guarantee the Dublin III Regulation’s efficacy.

The President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, reaffirmed her commitment to carrying out the Dublin Roadmap earlier this year in February. This roadmap aims to reduce the incentives for secondary movements by fostering greater cooperation between EU member states.

Member states received a letter with Von der Leyen’s remarks. The Dublin procedure can operate more efficiently thanks to a number of helpful practices that the Commission has identified. These consist of giving applicants comprehensive information, monitoring transfers more closely, using alternatives to detention, improving communication between transferring and EU states, and modernizing IT systems.

In recent years, EU nations have implemented programs backed by the Commission to improve Dublin procedures’ effectiveness, guided by the Dublin Roadmap. In April 2023, the European Union Agency for Asylum released Recommendations on Dublin transfers in an effort to support EU nations even more.

The Dublin Contact Committee will examine and talk about these best practices at its next meeting on December 4.

The Commission unveiled a revised Asylum and Migration Pact in September 2020 that included measures to improve the Dublin system’s efficiency. In accordance with EU and international law, this proposal includes a new framework for the efficient and humane management and normalization of migration.

The Commission also approved a fresh proposal to improve coordination amongst EU nations within the Schengen Area. It underlines that any return to border controls must be extraordinary and limited to situations involving grave risks to public safety or comparable circumstances.

Due to irregular migration and the conflict between Israel and Hamas, several EU countries have reinstated border controls; however, the Commission emphasizes that these steps should only be taken as a last resort.

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