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  • A Few Dutch Cities and Regional Municipalities Have Begun to Hire People with Refugee Status
A Few Dutch Cities and Regional Municipalities Have Begun to Hire People with Refugee Status.

A Few Dutch Cities and Regional Municipalities Have Begun to Hire People with Refugee Status

Several well-known Dutch cities and regional municipalities have started a pilot program as part of an endeavor to support the integration of people with refugee status. For foreign nationals who have recently relocated to these towns after leaving asylum reception centers, this initiative provides them with opportunities for immediate paid employment.

On January 29, the program was launched in the presence of local government representatives, employers, refugees, and the Dutch Minister of Social Affairs and Employment and Deputy Prime Minister Van Gennip.

Officials emphasized during the launch that the main objective is to hasten the process of finding work so that people with refugee status may earn a living. The labor market region of Helmond de Peel, along with the cities and regional municipalities of Amsterdam, Eindhoven, Rotterdam, Meijerstad, Vught, Boxtel, Nuenen, and others, are engaged in providing entry-level employment opportunities for those with refugee status.

In his comments on the idea, Van Gennip, the Minister of Social Affairs and Employment and Deputy Prime Minister of the Netherlands, emphasized that people with refugee status will not only become financially independent but also integrate and contribute to society.

Throughout 2024, these communities’ employment programs for those with refugee status will be observed and assessed. Subsequently, the gathered information will be disseminated to other local governments in an effort to promote the nationwide spread of like programs.

Immediate work opportunities for refugees upon their arrival in the Netherlands are expected to have a substantial effect on the integration process. Foreign nationals can improve their standing in the labor market and eventually land a job in the nation by quickly entering the workforce.

One of the EU nations that receives a sizable volume of asylum petitions each year is the Netherlands. Depending on the type of permit, those whose applications are accepted are given permission to live and work in the nation for a predetermined amount of time.

It was recently revealed that starting on February 1st of this year, EUAA will assist the asylum procedure in the Netherlands. About twenty employees will be sent by EUAA to help handle applications, the most of which will come from Syrians seeking asylum.

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