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  • Month: October 2023
In 2023, Brazilian and Chinese tourists are most worried about the infrastructure of the EU.

In 2023, Brazilian and Chinese tourists are most worried about the infrastructure of the EU.

Out of the six major markets surveyed for the Long-Haul Travel Barometer, travelers from China and Brazil have the greatest degree of concern regarding the infrastructure of the tourism industry when they visit Europe. Based on a survey conducted by the European Travel Commission (ETC), travellers rank safety as the [...]

The majority of South American applicants for Schengen visas are Ecuadorians.

The majority of South American applicants for Schengen visas are Ecuadorians.

Schengen Statistics data indicates that, out of 75,094 visa applications filed by South American nationalities in 2022, 34.7 percent were submitted by Ecuadorians. Dominicans filed 20.3 percent (43,996) and Cubans submitted 18.4 percent (39,931) of the 215,969 total applications, or 73.6 percent of the total applications, or 159,021. With a [...]

Protecting the EU's external border is imperative to preserve Schengen.

Protecting the EU’s external border is imperative to preserve Schengen.

Giorgia Meloni, the prime minister of Italy, emphasized that the only way to keep the Schengen Area from possibly collapsing is to protect its external borders. She made these statements in reference to the upcoming October 26–27 meeting of the European Council during her Senate speech. She emphasized the real [...]

September Saw the Highest Number of Unauthorized Migrants Entering Germany Since 2016.

September Saw the Highest Number of Unauthorized Migrants Entering Germany Since 2016.

According to information made public by the German Police on Saturday, the number of people who entered the nation illegally in September of this year exceeded 21,366. This is a record monthly total since February 2016. At the height of the “refugee crisis,” in February 2016, 25,650 people arrived, setting [...]

Reusable packaging’s future in Europe is under Jeopardy

Reusable packaging’s future in Europe is under Jeopardy

The way we currently handle packaging within the EU is essentially unsustainable. Single-use packaging is widely used in nearly every sector of the packaging business, yet it comes at a high social and environmental cost. Our ability to investigate potential alternatives is hampered by the current situation. Adoption of reusable [...]

Adopts a Statement on the Reform of the Visa Information System Concerning the Gathering of Biometric Information.

Out of all the EU countries, Croatia’s GDP profited the most from travel and tourism in 2022.

With Croatia being the only significant outlier, the GDP of the United Kingdom and other EU members as well as the GDP of the United States in 2022 was still lower than it was prior to the pandemic. According to Statista data, Croatia was the only country in the EU [...]

Due to the high costs, travelers from Brazil, Australia, and Canada are avoiding Europe.

Due to the high costs, travelers from Brazil, Australia, and Canada are avoiding Europe.

The most recent Long-Haul Barometer for March 2023 published by the European Travel Commission (ETC) indicates that visitors from Brazil, Australia, and Canada are changing their itinerary for Europe. Because of the continent’s exorbitant prices, they are avoiding it in favor of less expensive locations. With the purpose of evaluating [...]

EU demands stricter guidelines for suspending visas in order to mitigate security threats.

EU demands stricter guidelines for suspending visas in order to mitigate security threats.

In order to combat the abuse of visa-free travel throughout Europe, the European Commission has suggested improving its visa suspension policies. The revised regulations would offer the European Union (EU) more latitude to temporarily suspend its visa-free travel policies, particularly if it feels that the actions of other nations could [...]

As MEPs Use Digital Visas, Schengen Visas Will Become More Secure & Accessible.

As MEPs Use Digital Visas, Schengen Visas Will Become More Secure & Accessible.

Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) have approved a measure that will digitize Schengen permits, putting them in a position to be more accessible and safe. The law was approved by MEPs on October 18, opening the door for Schengen visas to be digitized. With 573 votes in favor and [...]