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  • Month: September 2023
Lithuania will construct a physical barrier along its border with Belarus and Russia in marshy areas.

Lithuania will construct a physical barrier along its border with Belarus and Russia in marshy areas.

In order to cover marshy areas where such barriers have not yet been installed, Lithuanian authorities have declared their desire to expand the installation of physical barriers along the border with Belarus and Russia. Agn Bilotait, the interior minister of Lithuania, the environment minister, and the deputy director of the [...]


Rule of law protections are a necessary for the EU AI Act in order to defend our rights

In light of this, it is critical that EU legislators take advantage of the chance to draft laws that not only fully utilize artificial intelligence’s potential but also firmly protect our rights and the rule of law. This joint essay by Jonathan Day and Eva Simon examines the vital need [...]

Belgian traveler facing imprisonment in Turkey for stone theft

Belgian traveler facing imprisonment in Turkey for stone theft

Kim Mergits, a tourist from Antwerp, Belgium, is accused of stealing ancient antiquities and finds herself in legal difficulty in Turkey. Mergits, who was returning home when she was detained at the Turkish airport, now faces the possibility of paying huge fines or perhaps going to jail. Three stones were [...]